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17335 W 32nd Ave
Golden, CO, 80401
United States


Courtney Watson is a Marketing Professional based in Boulder, CO. 




Courtney Watson

“Nothing in its essence is one way or the other.” “Patience is not learned in safety.” “There are many changes in the weather of a day.” “The root of suffering is resisting the certainty that no matter what the circumstances, uncertainty is all we truly have.”

- Pema Chodron, Comfortable with Uncertainty

We all have moments where it feels like the ground has collapsed beneath you, those times where you are uncertain as to which way to turn, where things are going, and if you are “getting it right.” 

As we develop a consistent meditation practice, we allow ourselves to be with whatever is here - noticing the thoughts of questioning, wanting to know what is next, where we are going, showing those thoughts compassion, and coming back to the breath and body. 

Our mind is continuously looking at ways to feel in control of life, to feel safe. Life’s truth is that we are never really in control; things will change, suffering will show up, as will joy. 

Mindfulness cultivates the awareness of the present moment. Becoming a witness to our thoughts, understanding they too will change and finding stillness within whatever arises. 

The beauty of uncertainty is that we can look at everything as new -  with awe, curiosity, and bright eyes that open to it all.